Is for Retrievers from six months and not exceeding twelve months of age, dating from and inclusive of the date of its birth on the first day of the trial. In a Puppy Stake, the Judges should be testing the dogs principally for their NATURAL abilities. The criteria for success would include: Intelligence, Attention, Nose , Perseverance, Style , Game Finding Ability, Marking Ability, Soft Mouth (Note that Memory and strong Courage are not to be tested)

In the Junior Stake, dogs range in age from 6 months to 18 months, and the Judge can expect a higher level of competence of “trained” abilities. The Judge will judge all of the natural abilities quoted for Puppies, but can also expect a display of natural courage and memory, and expect the dog to have acquired the trained abilities of steadiness, and of directional control (taking a straight line only).

In the Maiden Stake, dogs range in ability from starter dogs that are too old for Puppy or Junior Stakes, to those that are too inexperienced to be entered into Novice Stakes with any hope of finishing the course. Judges should therefore set the retrieves accordingly and also be aware that this should be a “fun” stake. In the Maiden Stake a dog is tested for all the natural abilities and for some of the “trained” abilities. The natural abilities are all those quoted as for the Puppy Stake but also include courage and memory, and the “trained” abilities to be tested now
are: Steadiness, Response to direction by hand and/or whistle, Deliveries

In this stake, the dogs are being tested for ALL their natural abilities as well as ALL their taught abilities, as quoted above for the Maiden Stake. The majority of novice dogs are those that have not yet had the experience to compete in Open Stakes on an equal footing and, in the main, require more experience before moving up. Is confined to Retrievers which have not been placed first, second, third or fourth in an Open Stake, nor have won two Novice Stakes prior to the date of the closing of entries.

The difference between a novice and an open dog is CONTROL and STYLE. Although an open dog must show all the natural abilities, the ability of the handler to direct and control the dog, especially between and/or away from diversions, will determine its success as a top open dog.
In this stake, a Judge will be looking for a dog that heels well and sits quietly until sent to retrieve. He will expect to observe excellent marking ability, and ability to “hold to a mark” across ditches, fences, dongas, etc. The dog must exhibit the ability to work a close area of fall at all times, even when the area of fall is out of sight. On blinds and diversions the dog is expected to take a good line and hold to it. Should handling be required, quiet whistling and directional work, with IMMEDIATE correct response from the dog is to be expected. Is for Retrievers without restriction as to age or previous performance. In order for an Open Stake to carry championship status, the minimum number of dogs to actually take part in the trial shall be eight.

Championship Stake
Is held not more than once per year within the area of jurisdiction of KUSA. All Field Trial Champions shall automatically qualify for entry in Championship Stakes. Entries shall be limited to Field Trial Champions, as well as to those dogs placed first or second in an Open Stake carrying
championship status during the two field trialling seasons preceding the Championship Stake to be held.

Field Qualifying Stake
Is for Retrievers which have won a Reserve Challenge Certificate or Challenge Certificate at a Breed Show held under the Rules and Regulations of KUSA.